Saturday, February 2, 2008

Student Artwork by Susan Bell

I have coerced my fellow classmate Susan Bell to let me post a few of her paintings from our OP class together. I think I will try and get more student work on this blog. I think its beneficial to see progress and get a little insight into how each individual approaches Oil Pastel. What better way to learn, through the journey of others. Susan's work in OP is getting better all the time and its fun too see how we progress together. I also asked her to write a little about her experience. I have posted it below. Thanks Susan!


Apostle Island Sheds


Several years ago I had a couple of surgeries close to one another and was cooped up in the house. I started to paint with oils and acrylics on canvas, very large and abstract works. After a couple of years of experimenting, I decided that I needed some instruction. There was an oil pastel class offered at a school near my home, so I signed up. I've learned quite a bit in the last six months in this medium. I'm still trying to find my way with the materials. I'm trying every kind of paper that I can lay my hands on, and finding myself grabbing the Holbein pastels over the others right now, they seem to layer on really well. What I enjoy the most is seeing what the other students in the class are doing with their pastels, it is a real learning experience! I've seen people do amazing work with oil pastels. I'm inspired and motivated by what I see, so I believe that I'll continue to work in this medium for some time to come.
Susan B

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