Cherry Blossoms in Door County

October Warmth

Winter Green
I first heard about George Shipperley in my Introductory OP class. Many great things were being said about his work and passion for Oil Pastel. In my conversations about OP with other artists in the Chicago area his name would invariably come up. He has a great influence on my current OP teacher and that influence spills out into her teaching. After I saw his work I immediately knew why. This is an artist who paints with a fresh and vibrant style. His paintings convey great feeling and sense of place. One can see the immediacy in which they were created. I had a hard time deciding which paintings to post here. Mr. Shipperley was so kind to give me permission to do so and is very enthusiastic about promoting and representing oil pastel so please check out his website here to view his online galleries. Make sure to read his artist statement. It is really inspiring and is a testimony of a true artist. I hope I get the opportunity to take a class or workshop with him. He teaches at The Fine Line in St. Charles IL. I'm working on getting an interview set up with him that I will post here. So stay tuned! What do you think of this Artist?
Thanks for introducing me to this fine artist. I love Shipperly's colorist works.
Your welcome Casey Klahn. Nothing better than discovering a talented artist. Thanks for the comment.
I love your blog. Shipperley has very nice work too. Keep it up. Learning a lot about OP. ~m in Winnipeg.
I think that he is the best that I know today, who works the oil pastel. As I learnt it in my classes " the important is not what you paint but how you paint (it. " He is the perfect example...
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