I admit that I buy a new Edward Hopper calendar every year. I have always been attracted to that spare, atmospheric and rich tonal quality. Susan Bennerstrom style is similar but I would say it has a more intimate quality. I just discovered her work about a month ago during a Internet search for anything related to Oil Pastel. I have to say my heart skipped a beat. This was a connection I was looking for in OP. I didn't think it was possible to create such realism from an OP stick. I have seen many impressionistic and abstract artist making great use of the medium but not many painting in realism. So, it was exciting to see her style. I also thought it would interesting to post this after George Shipperley as it shows a completely different and contrasting style (even down to pastel brand preference). It really does emphasise OP's versatility.
Such Beautiful paintings. She breaks down her work into categories. Stairways, Windows, Beds, Architecture and Light and Outdoors. What really impresses me is how she can create a reflective polished surface with OP as in the painting Studio Hall #4, or how she rarely uses mediums to blend the paint, just
Colour Shapers and fingers. She has a very impressive history of exhibitions, teaching and awards. Please checkout her website
here. Which, by the way, is an impressively designed site. Also stay tuned for more from this painter. I contacted her and she wrote a few paragraphs about OP that I will post soon!

Studio Hall #4


Black Stairs